Louisiana Mapping Portal Website This online ‘mapping portal’ offers a new tool to local residents and their allies to investigate the transformation of the land from ‘Plantation Country’ to the ‘Petrochemical Corridor’. Locals breathe some of the country's most toxic air and suffer one of the highest risks of cancer and other serious health ailments.
Discarded: Communities on the Frontlines of the Plastic Crisis (2019) Report When China closed its borders to foreign waste in 2018, countries in Southeast Asia were flooded with garbage from the Global North. This investigative report uncovers how communities on the ground were impacted by the sudden influx of foreign pollution, and how they’re fighting back.
Pushing Back: A Guide for Frontline Communities Challenging Petrochemical Expansion Guide This guide is an informational resource for communities facing the threat of petrochemical production and expansion. It informs community leaders, organizers, and attorneys of the risks and impacts of petrochemical production and use, and ways to raise concerns about existing or proposed facilities.
Toxic Tours Website Toxic Tours is a community-led storytelling and mapping experience on the impacts of plastic production on frontline communities.