Plastic Forever (2023) Report This report looks behind the scenes of corporate strategies to keep on polluting and urges companies to deplastify now. Thisrequires transitioning from plastics (particularly linear / singleuse plastics) to sustainable alternative materials and systems ofconsumption, such as reuse and refill.
Exploring Plastic Credit Schemes: Scope, risks and uncertainties (2024) Report Are plastic credits a solution to the global plastic pollution crisis? The report provides a critical and impartial examination of the most prominent credit-issuing schemes and examines current practices with regard to governance structures, financial flows and what happens to the plastic waste collected in return for credits, and analyses environmental and social concerns.
Why a Production Cap on Plastics Makes Financial Sense (2024) Briefing This paper articulates the economic and financial basis for establishing a cap on global plastics production. The production cap, once adopted as part of the final legally binding agreement, is expected to serve as the linchpin to end plastics pollution.
Aligning the Global Plastics Treaty with <1.5°C (2024) Report This report models whether a virgin plastic production reduction target of 40% by 2040 (40×40) could keep the plastics industry within a 1.5°C carbon budget. It outlines the methodology used to predict how the global economy would respond to a 40×40 target, including modeling different scenarios based on business-as-usual (BAU) demand and reduced-demand scenarios.
INC5-Booklet (2024) Brief Just before INC5, this booklet gives an overview of negotiation priorities and challenges. The global treaty must not condemn our planet and communities to runaway climate change fuelled by unchecked petrochemical expansion, the collapse of ecosystems saturated with plastic pollution, and avoidable disease from exposure to microplastics and plastic chemicals.
Dirty Deals - Part One: Evidencing illegalities in the global plastic waste trade Investigation This investigation uncovers shocking evidence of how bad actors exploit regulatory weaknesses and legal loopholes in the global plastic waste trade, fuelling a thriving illegal market. The global plastic waste trade continues to pose significant environmental and health risks, and causes huge amounts of pollution of land, air and even soil.
Plastic Waste Trade Crime Tracker Crime Tracker The newest feature of EIA’s Global Environmental Crime Tracker, the Plastic Waste Trade Crime Tracker is an important step towards exposing and tackling the illegal plastic waste trade.
Facilitating the Adoption of Takeaway Reuse Systems Report This report highlights the critical role of public authorities in advancing reuse systems for takeaway packaging. It shows that switching from single-use to reuse could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower hidden costs like litter and carbon impacts.
European Reuse Barometer Report The first edition of the European Reuse Barometer sets light on positive insights driving the reuse transition such as reuse industry growth and very engaged customers. However, the current fragmented and uncoordinated reuse ecosystem urgently needs to be streamlined and unified to achieve a true market transformation.
Beyond Sachets: Building a Reuse Economy Brief Sachets are a significant source of plastic pollution. This 4-pager looks at sachets in the context of the Global Plastics Treaty and explores how we can pivot to real, systemic solutions like reuse and refill systems.